Integrating Flask-Admin with the app factory pattern


If you are entering Flask from django you'll notice that Flask doesn't come with an admin interface. As per the django documentation for its admin interface:

One of the most powerful parts of Django is the automatic admin interface.

One of the most powerful parts about Flask , however, is its lack of these things. Everything is up to you as the developer.

Flask-Admin can be used to set up an admin interface, so you can manage your database through your browser.

There are 3 main issues, I found, when using Flassk-Admin features out-of-the-box

  1. It does not offer, for reasons of opinion, any security provisions; for this we'll use Flask-Login
  2. It reserves end point prefixes that you may want to use for other routes
  3. it does not use the app factory pattern (any attempt to use the app factory pattern will result in an error): This is due to the extension registering its blueprints on instantiation
AssertionError: A blueprint's name collision occurred between <flask.blueprints.Blueprint object at 0x25e5d90> and <flask.blueprints.Blueprint object at 0x21b89d0>.  Both share the same name "user".  Blueprints that are created on the fly need unique names.

Flask-Admin , however, is really easy to set up despite this.

$ pip install flask-admin flask-login

For a package to be recognised as an official Flask extension it should include the init_app method, so that the app does not need to passed directly to the extension upon instantiation. This enables the extension to be passed around within the app's modules before it even exists. This prevents circular imports, as is the reason for the app factory pattern. Luckily, Flask-Admin does not need to passed around, and therefore works when it is instantiated with the app object.

Your extensions module might look like something like this

# app/
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

login_manager = LoginManager()
sqlalchemy = SQLAlchemy()

def init_app(app):

To be registered in the app's file like this:

# app/
from flask import Flask

from app import extensions

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app

Create a new app/ module and write up a new init_app function

Solution to 1

Flask-Login comes with the extremely useful login_required decorator. Put this on top of your routes, and the user is required to be logged in to access it. We can do this with an admin user too. Add a boolean value to your user model; admin

# app/
from flask_login import UserMixin

from app.extensions import db


class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
    admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)


Now we can decorate the login_required functionality with a more restricted, admin function. login_required , under the hood, returns a LoginManager.unauthorized function if the user is not logged in. This raises, among other things, raises a 401 Unauthorized error.

How you make your user an admin is pretty simple, but I won't go into it here.

import functools

from flask_login import current_user

from app.extensions import login_manager

def admin_required(func):
    """Handle views that require an admin be signed in.

    :param func: View function to wrap.
    :return: The wrapped function supplied to this decorator.

    def _wrapped_view(*args, **kwargs):
        if not current_user.admin:
            return login_manager.unauthorized()

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return _wrapped_view

Create a new module. Flask-Admin , by default, constructs its index page with the AdminIndexView class. We can override this class and its index method to be decorated with our admin_required function. Make sure to continue using login_required as a sort of hierarchy of logins, otherwise the admin_required decorator will fail. This is because the decorator needs the user to logged in to check for admin.

# app/
from flask_admin import AdminIndexView, expose
from flask_login import login_required

from import admin_required

class MyAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView):
    """Custom index view that handles login / registration."""

    def index(self) -> str:
        """Requires user be logged in as admin."""
        return super().index()

We can then write our init_app function like this.

# app/
from flask_admin import Admin

def init_app(app):
    admin = Admin(  # noqa
        index_view=MyAdminIndexView(),  # type: ignore

Solution to problem 2

We can subclass flask_admin.contrib.sqla.ModelView to register their blueprints under a different name.

Now you can use the /user , /post , etc. prefixes on your user, post etc. routes, and not waste them on the admin routes.

Because the views display, usually, multiple user, post etc. tables, it makes sense to end them as a plural.

It is also worth pointing out that we have blocked access to these routes for non-admins too.

# app/
from flask_admin import Admin
from flask_admin import AdminIndexView
from flask_admin.contrib import sqla
from flask_login import current_user

from app.extensions import db
from app.utils.models import User, Post, Task, Message, Notification

class MyAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView):

class MyModelView(sqla.ModelView):
    """Custom model view that determines accessibility."""

    def __init__(self, model: db.Model, session: db.session) -> None:
        super().__init__(model, session)
        self.endpoint = f"{model.__table__}s"  # change the table name here

    def is_accessible(self) -> None:
        """Only allow access if user is logged in as admin."""
        return current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.admin


def init_app(app):
    admin = Admin(  # noqa
        index_view=MyAdminIndexView(),  # type: ignore
    admin.add_view(MyModelView(User, db.session))
    admin.add_view(MyModelView(Post, db.session))
    admin.add_view(MyModelView(Message, db.session))
    admin.add_view(MyModelView(Notification, db.session))
    admin.add_view(MyModelView(Task, db.session))

Finally, as a solution to 3, we initialize the app

# app/
from flask import Flask

from app import extensions
from app.routes import admin

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app